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Europa Cup Trophy 2024


The  EurILCA Europa Cup is a series of regattas run throughout the year in various stunning venues across Europe. The competition is open to all sailors, starting from 12 years old, on all  rigs ( ILCA 7,  ILCA 6 and 4.7 ). Fierce competition on the water paired with a great apres-sail social scene make the EurILCA Europa Cup extremely popular events on the European sailing calendar.

Why not join us in our beautiful sailing venues in 2024 and experience the EurILCA Europa Cup for yourself, whilst showing off your sailing skills, learning some new tricks and having a great time both on and off the water.

Participating in the EurILCA Europa Cup is a good step to prepare for the European and World Championship as there are a lot sailors from different countries who attend the events.

There are 10 EurILCA Europa Cup events each year, with 2 events from each sub-region :

  • North West: NED, BEL, GER, DEN, GBR, IRL
  • North East: NOR, FIN, EST, LTU, POL, SWE, LAT
  • South West: ESP, POR, FRA, SUI, MON
  • Central East: MLT, AUT, HUN, SLO, ITA
  • South East: ROU, GRE, ISR, CRO, SRB, BUL, MNE, TUR

Every year the EurILCA Europa Cup will rotate in each sub-region .


Entry Regulations

Only current fully paid up members of the ILCA may enter. Clear written evidence of your up-to-date membership status will be required at registration for each regatta (Europeans sailors must show their EurILCA card). If you are not already a member of the Class, you can join by contacting your local District Officer. Full details can be found on our website at European Contacts.

Please refer to the table below for the categories :

2024 Categories 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 +
Class/Rig Sex/ Birth Year 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004  
ILCA 4 Boys NO Under 16 Under 18 NO
Girls/women NO Under 16 Under 18 Open Women
ILCA 6 Boys/Men NO Under 17 Under 19 Open
Girls/Women NO Under 17 Under 19 Under 21 F Open
 ILCA 7 Boys/Men NO Under 19 Under 21 M Open


Every sailor will need to provide a valid World Sailing  Number and date of birth to enter EurILCA Europa Cup regattas. If you do not know your World Sailing Number or have not yet registered for one, you can do so free of charge on the World Sailing website.


·The assigned score corresponds to the final position in each event.

·Sailors sailing a boat only scored as DNC, DNF, DNS, DSQ, DNE, OCS, UFD, BFD will have a score equal to the number of entries plus one.

·Sailors having not yet sailed any event, will take 3 times the score based on the higher number of competitors in the same class plus one, Each time they sail a regatta, that penalty will be substituted by his score taken at the respective event.

·The sum of the best 3 scores (lower) at Europa Cup regattas determines the competitor's total ranking score.

·Scoring for series results in any of these above categories shall be made by extraction from the overall series results without rescoring.

·The EurILCA Europa Cup final ranking will be available at

EurILCA Europa Cup 2024 regatta and EurILCA Europa Cup Overall trophy

  • Prizes will be awarded to at the first 3 places in each overall category and for the first in each sub category noted in the NOR  for a EurILCA Europa Cup regatta.
  • EurILCA prizes will be awarded for the EurILCA Europa Cup overall Troply.In 2024, brand new sails will be awarded to each winner of an overall category. Competitors who have participated in at least 3 of the Europa Cup regattas during 2024 will be in a draw for a brand new sail. One sail will be draw for each overall ranking except the winner (who is receiving already one sail).

We are looking forward to seeing you on the EurILCA Europa Cup circuit.